Although Albric don’t have a meeting in August we still have lots going on over the summer. Our stall at the Albrighton Fayre which was stacked with homemade cakes and preserves together with our ‘everyone a winner’ mugs game was completely sold out by lunchtime and raised a healthy amount for our funds. Then we had what we called a Posh Picnic in Carol’s garden with guests including friends, family and members of other WIs, again raising a healthy sum. A few photos are below:
We were keen to bolster our funds which after having no income for quite a time over the Pandemic were looking a bit depleted, however things are now looking much healthier and we can carry on having exciting speakers and fun times in the future.
Talking about fun times 23 members went on a jaunt to Hampton Court Castle in Herefordshire which was judged to be a great success. However with the heat wave in full swing the air conditioned coach was lovely to return to after a full day. A few photos from this are below:
We start our autumn programme celebrating Birthday Night (members only) Albric is 55 years old in September, and we have lots to look forward to in the coming months. Have a look at our programme and photographs of our goings on over the summer.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month 7.30pm at the Red House.
See you there.