Albric WI was certainly buzzing on 8th November. Our speakers were Dean Harris and Nicola Drew both local Magistrates in Shropshire, dealing with many different and difficult situations on a regular basis. As we all know these are voluntary positions and have in the past been the landed gentry who volunteer, but these two ladies were ‘ordinary’ women who were dedicated to bringing something new to the role. They certainly gave us an insight into life behind the bench and kept us all enthralled with their encounters. We also had a competition, the brief being ‘A Firework Display in a Drinks Can’, this was very well supported and brought many different interpretations to the table.
The Shrewsbury Arms are hosting our Christmas Meal on 8th December with many of us looking forward to an enjoyable evening. Our December meeting on Tuesday 13th December is a ‘Bring and Share Supper’ with a glass (or two) of wine, when we will be entertained by a local Ukulele Group. Visitors are made very welcome, and for £3.00 why not come along and join in the fun. We meet in The Red House commencing on 7.30 pm