Although The Coronation is long gone, Albric members were very keen to commemorate the day with a lasting memory in the village. So with the help of Cllr Bob Watson and with the Parish Council’s agreement we planted a magnolia tree on the village green on 26th May. Vice Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, Jenny Wynn – who is also a member of Albric WI carried out the ceremony on a bright sunny morning. A plaque has since been made and put in situ by Gary Woolridge. We would like to thank all those who helped in any way and hope that the tree will be a lasting memory of The Coronation.
On 13th June we gave a very warm welcome to Alison Wakeman who gave us great insight into why bees are so important to the environment. Her demonstration was very ‘show and tell’ and included instruction on how to assemble a working beehive. I think we all went away with a lot more understanding of this very interesting insect, and as they say we also learnt a lot about the ‘birds & bees’ because her presentation was at times very amusing.
At our July meeting we will be holding an Art Workshop when we will be welcoming Claire Stack. Places will be limited, so come early to grab your spot. You will always be made very welcome by our members.