We decided to have a new group photograph taken at our February meeting. Two reasons, first to celebrate the fact we were still up and running despite Covid, secondly to head up the home page on our web site. The previous photograph was taken many years ago and no longer portrayed Albric as it now. We think it’s very good. That, plus a few others which are shown in the gallery were taken by our talented local photographer Carol Langford. Didn’t she do a good job!
February is the month we hold our Annual Meeting. Business for the year is dealt with, finances sorted, the secretary gives her report on yearly activities and the new committee put in place. But most importantly the new President is elected and I am very pleased to say that Sue Horsfall was unanimously voted in. Sue will make an excellent President and take Albric into what I’m sure will be a lively and exciting future.
We also voted on the WI resolutions, these go forward to The National Federation of Women’s Institutes for consideration to be a National WI campaign. Albric voted for ‘Appropriate sentencing of non-violent women offenders’ feeling that the majority of these women have committed non-violent offences, and many have been victims of much more serious offences than those they are accused of committing. It will be interesting to see if this resolution goes forward.
After all that we sat back and enjoyed a few tips from Paula Pierce on the little things we can all do to help combat climate change. It was a meeting with a difference but from the chatter and involvement of the members it was definitely enjoyed.